Creating conceptual self-portraits for over a decade, contemporary artist Polly Penrose captures fascinating images of her contorted body in often incongruous spaces. Much like an object in still life, Polly uses her nude body as a form, moulding herself into the environment and twisting her body into the space. Polly’s work focuses less on sexuality or female allure, and instead, she quietly observes the effects of passing time and her own relationship with her changing body.
Relying on the available, natural light, there’s an honesty to Polly’s pictures and a physical conversation between herself and the environment. Facing away from the camera, and often with the trigger release visible in her hand, a sense of practice, patience, and solitude is emphasized in Polly’s images. One of the most popular artists to donate work to The Print Assembly’s charity print sale last year, we’re completely fascinated and utterly intrigued by Polly’s process, we love the humour in her images, and the playfulness in the way she creates little pieces of theatre within the chosen space. In our dreams, we have a gallery bursting with Polly's sumptuous, resplendent work.